Personal Best 10km & Adieu MotoACTV (for now)

10km PB

Decided to go for a 10km 'go for it' run! After some weeks of not doing speed training (eg. trying to better my 10k), I went for it today. Took (reluctantly) the Kinvara's out as I feel its the right shoe for the occasion or I just being pussy and needed the pads below my feet. Let's just see if my speed has suffered after all these long distances.

On the go, I just went at the fastest I could do 'comfortably' ...... stride was lengthened a bit, focus on a natural relaxed forefoot strike, which I do anyway. Strangely, the Kinvara did not feel as squishy as before...perhaps after 100km it has broken in (?). Managed to keep good pace till 5km. No niggles on the legs as well...they felt ok throughout. Breathing was consistent and HR was steadily moving up, as expected, over the distance. At 5km point, it was not even the best time but its still under 26m and I felt relatively better compared to other attempts....the 2nd 5km was only slightly worse and the 3 u-turns would take some seconds as well.

Completed about 1 minute plus better than my last PB. Time was, according to Sportracks, 52:08 with a pace of 5:13min/km. I did not feel too bad after the run! Ave HR recorded was 162bpm.....previous efforts were 165-170bpm. Not sure when I'll do another as I'm quite wary of speed work injuring me!


So after a couple of rides and runs on the ACTV, I packed it up nicely in the box it came in and put it in store. I'll give it another month or two until someone, somebody improves the following :-

  • CSV file problems after conversion to Sportracks or TCX file : I'm getting all sorts of funky spikes and dips when imported into Sportracks, Garmin Connect or Strava.
  • Battery Life.....something needs to be done here to improve further the life. I'd still be wary using this with music....was out on Marathon mode, with HRM and wired music for a 4hr run. I only used the wired music for an hour (gave up when music started skipping crazily) and at the end of it all, 30% of battery left.
  • MotoACTV website it not bad at all but please, learn from your competitors too, don't try to be different just for the sake of it, learn and improve on your competitor's ideas, in addition to adding your own!
Hardware-wise, I can't fault it much. It's great and looks almost as good as the nano but more functionality. However, the software and the entire ecosystem really does need some serious work. Sad but true. I'd rather be running Endomondo on Cardiotrainer on this thing!


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