The MTP required me to completed a 21km this week "time trial". I'm done with pushing speed as I tend to get bad down times after those kind exercises! Initially wanted to put in a day's rest before doing this one but decided the night prior, what the hell! Just do it!

Started off at about 5.20am and did the usual ECP routes available to me. Started off quite strongly with a good 5:35 pace but that soon deteriorated to a 6:00 pace. Things just went downhill from there and there was no 'second wind' although I did hope for one! From 10km onwards, it was getting even tougher as I struggled to even keep the 6:00 pace. Did a push for the final 3km and just managed to keep JUST below my last PB pace of 5:58 did last month. I used the H-Streets for this one (no cushy Kinvara for me!).

I do think that I could have done better, but it is likely that the lack of good sleep and running the past 3 days has taken its toll on this effort. Still I cannot complain, its still a PB. You learn something from every pain.

It gonna be getting tougher next week onwards as the mileage steps up to 33km before hitting 36km 2 weeks before the Marathon (I think!).


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