Mid Week 21km and MTP Status

21km Run

Monday's run was good and rather 'fulfilling' as its a PB and by over a minute so leaves me with a very positive vibe. Now the mind was elated and pumped and it deceived me on the bodily condition. Well, this deception came with a price as I tried to achieve another PB on Tuesday with the 21km. I even employed the help of Ryo to come in at km11 to supplement my pain with inspiration and correct pace. It was not to be.

Started out quite promisingly for the first 2km but really that was it. Pace began to falter, HR refused to get pumped up. What started out at a "go for under 2hrs" went gradually to "go for 2hr 2mins" and then to "go for 2hr 4mins" and by the time I reached the meeting point where Ryo was waiting eagerly....it was "Ryo, can't make it....just try for my PB". He pushed at 5:40 pace for a while but it was killing me already and as we passed my underpass area at 16km, I really wanted to give up (I think if he wasn't there I would have) but I mustered some ego-power to continue on. I told Ryo to go fast and leave me at my own crawl-pace and I will rejoin him after he has u-turned from the lagoon food centre heading back. And wow, within 3-4 mins, he was out of sight. More like a dot on the horizon.

We rejoined later and this time he followed my pace back to Big Splash, our usual meeting and parting point.

So I learned my lesson, but that does not mean I won't repeat it again! Granted suffering is bad. But somehow, its good for the soul. You just feel more alive with each painful moment you go through. Its like a drug. Really!

MTP Review

The MTP has been more challenging than expected. My legs aches almost everyday of the week and new aches are coming about with each long run stipulated by the MTP. I'm into Wk8 now. Speed for long distances have improved a bit and endurance is definitely there. I'm confident in completing the 42km at snails pace but my target has been relegated from 6:00min/km to 6:30min/km. Even at this new target. I have my doubts! I'm already suffering for the 33km runs with 7+ pace. Hopefully, with the taper down in workouts prior to event day, I will gain back some speed.

My weight has not changed much since the MTP began but I am hitting more towards the 79-80kg range more often. This morning, after a light breakfast, I weighed in at 79.2kg (and I had a super huge korean meat buffet for lunch yesterday!). I have no doubt this will get back to the 80kg level in no time. Its like a see saw plot with micro see saws but on a slight negative gradient. I've not been holding back on food, that's for sure. If anything, I really eat a lot for lunch AND dinner especially when there is a long distance run looming. The waist line has reduced significantly....I was on 36" or more most of last year but starting from Dec 2011, this has started to fall. I renewed my wardrobe in Jan to 34" and right now I'm at 32", confirmed with a few bermudas bought over the weekend at this size, just fits.

I focused on healthy weight loss and although I do not cycle as much now, when I do, I really do feel the difference in ability on the bike. I believe at this lighter weight point I can go faster, climb better and last longer. Already in the last short 30+ km rides, and 80km ride 2 weeks ago, I surprised myself. PB on the 30-32km rides first time out without thinking about it and on the 80km, went up to ave speed of 32+km/h for most of the ride and finishing fresh still. Also managed to lead at the viaduct with average of 42km/h over 5km....thats something I never expected and was not consciously out to achieve. My ideal weight target for this year remains still at 75-76kg range by end of the year. This would mean a full 10-11kg loss. As Ryo has pointed early in the week....I've already lost the weight of my bike (~7+kg).

Genting....you will inflict less pain on me this time!


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