Ketoprofen : Miracle Knee Cure?
I was kinda upset that my knee was hurting quite bad on Tuesday (rest day) and facing the prospect of some down time. Determined not to lose mileage, I did the RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) regime on my right knee the entire day (and in the office!). It did not improve as much as I would have hoped by the end of the day.....but then I remembered this pack of Korean Plasters that I bought for my wife and my parents that had huge success rate on their back/shoulder pain (I personally do not use it) that they kept asking me to buy them whenever I traveled to Korea (which I did, early last year, in a wasted attempt to forge ties with a major customer, oh how I wish I could rant about that one!).
Right before getting to bed, I placed one on my knee/quad area and went to sleep. I was hopeful that I could at least do something the next morning. I woke up at 5am and wow, the pain has subsided quite a fair bit so I went out for a 12km slow run (6:50min/km) and survived. I was cautious not to put too much stress on the knees and ran with very small quick steps and using a very 'springy' approach via the calves. Ah...then the calves suffered! But at least that muscle soreness, not joint pain. So astonished I was with this wonder plaster that I googled and found that they were now available over Gmarket for SGD12+ for a pack of 6. Thats EXPENSIVE!
Further googling yielded the active ingredient of the plaster : Ketoprofen. This is used very often in treatment of farm animals and is used too for humanly applications as well as an anti-inflammatory drug. Its classed as NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drug). To find out more, google it yourself! Anyway, the gist is, get your doc's advise if you're allergic to stuff but otherwise these things are available over the counter in GEL form : FASTUM GEL.
Right before getting to bed, I placed one on my knee/quad area and went to sleep. I was hopeful that I could at least do something the next morning. I woke up at 5am and wow, the pain has subsided quite a fair bit so I went out for a 12km slow run (6:50min/km) and survived. I was cautious not to put too much stress on the knees and ran with very small quick steps and using a very 'springy' approach via the calves. Ah...then the calves suffered! But at least that muscle soreness, not joint pain. So astonished I was with this wonder plaster that I googled and found that they were now available over Gmarket for SGD12+ for a pack of 6. Thats EXPENSIVE!
Further googling yielded the active ingredient of the plaster : Ketoprofen. This is used very often in treatment of farm animals and is used too for humanly applications as well as an anti-inflammatory drug. Its classed as NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drug). To find out more, google it yourself! Anyway, the gist is, get your doc's advise if you're allergic to stuff but otherwise these things are available over the counter in GEL form : FASTUM GEL.
I got mine from the local guardian pharmacy. Its not available on the shelves though, you have to get it from the pharmacy section (they take down your details). For a cool SGD5, there I was with a 30g tube of what I hope will be THE miracle cure for strains. I applied some to the same area before going to sleep and the next morning ..... further improvement. No pain though still a bit uncomfortable and tight. I went out for a decent 6:36min/km 12km barefoot run. Started out a bit cautious and with some discomfort but eventually warmed up and felt ok. Killed my calves again on this run....they feel SORE now...
I will likely rest from running on Easter Friday (do some cycling) and decide later whether I should do the 30km long run on Saturday or Sunday (thats my week 5 activity 2 from the MTP).