I have been busy.....

well at work too and this damn 'economic situation' is getting into the tiniest of crannies of everyone's lives I guess. The job is not secure and I'm guessing I'm included in my CEO's cost-savings plan. Ah well, nothing much I can do about that!

Back to cycling.

Sunday, usual 80km with Alu and Ti. Mr. Alu was going like his arse was on fire, I could keep up but can't bear to leave Ti way behind (which we did couple of occasions on this ride alone) and I always have the toughest job I think being right smack in the middle. I call out to Alu to slow down and I tell Ti to catch up! I make a good moderator I suppose!

On Saturday, Alu and Ti did not make it for the ride (Alu was pissed drunk and Ti overslept!) So yet again a short 38km solo run. 8km warm up and 30km speed challenge! Think I did quite ok Macs to Macs. Averaged about 30.3km/h and did 30km a little over 59mins but under the 1hr 'requirement'. I had a bit of help along the way, drafting 2 guys who were going around 37km/h but that was only for about 1-2km and I did my part by leading a couple of hundreds of meters before losing my breath and fuel reserve.....still, I think this old steel ride have gained some respect from fellow carbon's, alu's, Ti's and other 'weight weenie wet-dream-rides' that it has dropped and drafted over the past couple of months.

Yesterday, we took the afternoon off to build my Colnago Master Piu. Mr. Ti was kind enough to do this with me (well I needed his Ultegra SL parts anyway, and not for free!!). Tells me 2hrs is enough....we ended up taking 4hrs instead but in all fairness, I had to remove parts from the Saronni, and the bottom bracket was a real bitch to take out!!

So its built now. First impression; IMO not as nice as my built up Saronni previously but looks more classy and 'serious'...well its BLACK. The SL components seem to blend in with the frame as they are ice-grey in colour and thats good too I guess. I regret getting black handlebar tape; should have gotten something more funkier just to contrast the 'serious-ness' of this ride.

The bike weighed in at slightly under 10kg...prob 9.7-9.8kg range which is a good 0.7km lighter than before. Not sure if that will make a hell of a difference though but I will be taking it for a short spin later today to adjust on the seat height and fore-aft position. I am now able to get the stem a little higher too due to the longer headtube, hopefully this will cure some of the slight back sore I've getting when pushing hard on the hoods/drops.

Its beautiful, elegant and angry. Pics later.....


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