Cycling and Pain
Over the course of 9 months since I rekindled cycling, there's been a couple of niggling pains that I've experienced so I'm gonna document it over here. - Numbness in Fingers This used to occur a lot on my left hand. I think I was placing too much pressure on one hand and have the tendency to have the bar going right between the flesh lumps below my palm (apparently this compresses some arteries over there causing numbness. I've consciously done 2 things; 1. be aware of my hand placement to avoid pressure on this region 2. maintain a slight bend on the elbows and focus on balancing more on the saddle whilst cycling Yes, numbness is practically gone now. - Numbness in Feet/Toes I wear a 44 sized shoe. I tend believe this is caused by the fact that I probably need a wider shoe. To reduce the occurrence, I intentionally loosen the shoe, especially on the wide part of the feet to ensure I can move my feet a little even in the shoe. Another thing was to get much thinner sock...