Weekend Ride and Hangout, Monday Run

Saturday : This was a good workout ride with Ryo. Started out 5.30am from my place and cycled leisurely to the meeting point at AML. As usual Ryo was already waiting. Mr. Punctual. I was prepared to suffer as I know between the 2 of us, on this of ride there will be a lot of 'challenges' along the way.

Pace was decent up to Old Upper Thomson Road where we got stuck behind a big group at relatively slower pace. After that, I think all hell broke loose. Sprinted at the slope going towards Mandai road.....went quite fast (with headwind as well!) at Mandai Road. Ryo led at 35+km/h along Kranji leading up to Neo Tiew and I tried to keep the pace there when I took over. At LCK, yet again going up to 38-40km/h just the 2 of us. Jalan Buroh was pure excitement as I knew he would do his best to destroy me at the slopes. The icing on the cake was the West Coast Viaduct where I managed to lead up 80% or 4.5km at average speed of 40km/h. Not that many trucks to help but I could detect a slight tailwind assisting the ride.

Approaching Shenton Way, our average speed was up to 30.2km/h. This is very decent considering a slow start up to Mandai Road where the pace really picked up plus the sprints and challenges did wear us down a bit. A little bit of cooperation and less competition will have our average go up much higher. On Sportracks, the 70km or so, average was >31km/h, wth the slow bits at the end and beginning. Average HR was a decent 148bpm.

Sunday : Planned to meet up with Ryo for a IT session at Starbucks @ 6am. Yes, we needed something different for our early hours. Initially I planned to cycle there (woke up a bit late and running with a laptop was kinda strange for me) but it rained cats and dogs so opted to pick him up with my car instead.

Had a tall cup of coffee while I was introduced like to the world of Google+, Amazon EC2 and Google Business Apps. It was a good outing and refreshing too. This rekindled some of the deep interest in software in me!

Monday : I had to run. I need to run. I love to run.

However, the thought of my butt or knees hurting or getting wobbly after a hard run almost always put me off and set me into conservative mode. I wasn't sure what I was going to do on this run so I just started out slowly for the the first 2km. Felt sluggish and lazy (as usual) and at the 3km, I just told myself I will some some kind of fast/slow run.

Call it intervals but probably not as intense....The plan was to run as fast as I could for about 16-18 light poles (55-65secs) and then slow down for recovery for 8-9 poles (55-65secs). It was tough but fun. Managed to completed well within the hour and probably did like 20 reps of fast and slow. After that it was 3 reps of 1min planking....tough!!!

Thereafter spent a couple of minutes warming down and enjoying the cool sea breeze. Nice.


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