7km Run with Core Conditioning

Since developing a strange strain at the left gluteus maximus area last Thursday, I've been a bit wary (could have contributed to my right saddle sore perhaps??). Took it easy this morning with a low-pace barefoot run from my place to Fort Road and back. This run comes with a twist; some core muscle training incorporated.

Basically, the idea is to do 5 reps of the following, every 1km-1.5km covered running. I would stop at a convenient sheltered rest area and do this.

- Push-ups x 10 (I'll call this a 1/2 pushup cos' I can't pushup properly due to lack of upper body strength)
- Planking + L/R Side Planking, 30secs each position
- Crunches x 20

I did this today and boy it was not easy! The last 2 reps were a real chore and I was basically dripping into a pool of sweat while doing them. I'm hoping to feel some aches tomorrow due to this, if not, then I have failed!

This is quite a nice workout that takes only about an hour. It'd be nice to be able to this 2-3 times a week but where to find the time?


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