Terrible Thursday....No workout on Friday

Had a thumping headache and nausea Thursday morning. I was basically immobilized and bedridden. Had to haul my ass to the docs just to get an MC, no way I was going to work in this state. In the end, had to induce vomitting (yeah, reminds me of my beer drinking days) which made me feel a whole lot better. Started on my antibiotics...as much as I hate to do so!

I guess its the way my body is telling me to take real good rest. Although I only spend 2/3 of the days per month average to do my workouts, I really think the lack of sleep (waking up between 4am to 5am every workout day) had taken its toll. Tough with the kids!

I think I should be ok for a light one tomorrow....long distance is ok just not push it.


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