A Bums Day

What a day! I love being a bum. In this day and age....its a true privilege!

All is not wasted in terms of cycling as I took the morning to swap handlebars between the FG and the Z3. So no more short drop traditional on the Z3. Its now got the traditional bend/drop OVAL R701 from the FG. This bar allows me to place the hoods at a higher position and give a flat transition between tops to hoods, unlike the aggressive sudden bend exhibited by the shallow version. I'm hoping this will reduce some stress on my right hand as I always thought the FG bar had a more stable platform for the hands compared the the shallow version.

So as above, one can see the flatness between the tops to the hoods. The hoods are now effectively 2cm higher compared to the previous setup (93cm vs 91cm). Reach remains relatively the same (within 1cm I think).

Oh yes, cool red bar tape! Looks to be good quality too (Bontrager)...so here's a full pic below....


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