Good Weekend Workout

First and foremost, running. I managed to complete 10km under an hour for the first time ever! Ok, granted not a big deal for many runners but sure is a big deal for me! I set out to achieve this by end of this year but hey, its done in January. Looks like a revision for running goals....below 55mins perhaps by mid-year? I think that's possible, if I shed more fats. But first, its to achieve 25mins for 5km, that will be my short term goal.

Took the lee out on Saturday to Faber (I'm loving this place again). Did a pretty decent 2 rounds via Kg.Bahru...about 6mins from bottom to the top. The Hed wheels climb very well too but not really noticeable compared to my DA + Open Pros. KL joined for my 3rd, 4th and 4.5th round. He did very well on the first...maintaining ~10kmh at the steep portions. At one point on the way back he was doing 36-37km/h along Keppel (I was happily drafting behind). At Nicoll, I decided to pull with headwind....managed to go ave of 39km/h for 2km with some pretty serious headwind. Hed rules I think.

On Sunday, did that momentous 10km run and right after that rushed to meet KL for a coastal-siglap round. It was a relatively relaxed ride but still quite fast. Seems like he has improved quite a bit since few months back. Able to climb better and pull in headwinds. I told this to exceed his 'threshold of giving up' more often. I chased up an angmo who passed us after CV...I was just tailing him at the loyang slope and when he gunned it, I followed suit and sprinted pass. He passed me later on after the slope and remarked "nice sprint".

Here're our bikes at Siglap Kopitiam. You gotta love those deep sections....totally changed average lee to awesome lee in terms of looks!


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