Back in Black! The Stingers Arrive!
Vpost sucks! I took it upon myself to collect the wheels from the post office after days of waiting for the courier!
Well here they are : scary deep profile. Fierce looking.
The seller (Josh) did not put in the spare pads so I have to source one riding until that is done. He's offered to refund 15USD for this.
Installation was not simple....the brakes *just* managed to open wide enough to let the wheel in and after that, I had to adjust the brake cable again. No joke...these wheels are wide! (28mm apparently...5mm wider than the 23mm wheel sitting on it right now! Very nice though.
The brake surface looks ok except for a long streak which does not seem to be a problem. No visible cracks. Rear is pretty true but the front is off by perhaps 1mm or so but thats ok. Weighs light! On the scales, the bike now weighs ~7.5kg, not that it matters but thats still a 300g savings over the DA sets (which now hangs as backup!).
My spare evo corsas are here as well...along with the 6700 cassette which now is installed on the HEDs. Fierce fierce fierce! I hope they hold up to my weight!!