Shoe Fetish
Check out this minimal wife just ordered it for herself. Upon inspecting it, I am curious. It looks to be like a neoprene sock with a well made sticky rubber sole which seems to be attached well to the neoprene sock. Not sure about reliability but its very minimal; ultra flexible and light.
I'm gonna order one just for fun! I thought I only managed to get her to start running but I never expected my foray into barefoot-dom also caught on with her! Must be my incessant small talk about minimal shoes and running during my sleep.......
Puma's on wash......these shoes are easy to wash and dries up pretty fast as well. Love em! I will used on or the other for the Marathon. Never got used to the feel of the Kinvara's and the Merrell felt floppy at the front end for some reason (but ok for trail).