Nothing Much......but.....

......just killing off some lunch time that I have still left at the moment.

So, I've done a lot cycling in previous weeks. In fact this month is going to be the 2nd highest in a month in terms of mileage covered on a bike. This is a big thing since most of the 'high mileage' months are due to events. This month, there is none.

There is some worry that I'll probably burn out soon and my wife has even remarked that I was mad going on on the bike or hitting the road on my pumas nearly every single day. Hey, maybe I am but reallly, nothing matters if you are enjoying it! It cannot be harmful anyways right?

Another thing is, the running. I covered so far a record distance on my feet this month and I'm loving every moment AND every step of it. Running on minimalist shoes has been an absolute joy (Thanks to Ryo) and reading the book "Born To Run" has been pure inspiration (and I'm still only halfway through the book!).

Last week I ran my first 21km (half-marathon so called). For me, I just wanted to be able to complete the distance and, I did it. The time was ok considering it was my first attempt! Felt really great even after the run. Legs were tired but no pain whatsoever BUT my right knee soreness (same issue as before) did seem to surface a little bit the next day but this went off within a day. Perhaps I got tired and I inadvertently heel striked more that I should have. My ex-boss saw my Endomondo post on the workout and he being a true running buff himself (and a fast one!) remarked "Next step : realizing that 21 is always do-able. After that....aim for under 2 hours".

This week, I will try a 10km run with a fast colleague (his pace is about 5.2min/km and he ain't pushing yet!). His idea is to run without water for 10km (for starters, they usually do 15+km) and them re-hydrate with beer and chicken wings immediately after the run. Pub grub. Wish me luck on this one.

I will probably try 21km on my own again on Friday (or next week) just to prove that this is no one-off for me!

In truth, I'm so excited about running that I can't wait for TdB to be over so that I can really spend more time on my feet!


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