111km SS Ride and 10km Run over Weekend

Hopped on the Ciocc Single Speed on Saturday morning and went out for the usual 112-115km route (clockwise Singapore loop). I did not mount the extra bottle cage so took along a small 500ml bottle of electrolyte water in my back pocket, on top of the 750ml bottle on the bike bottle cage. It was nice weather all the way. The SS just felt so smooth and comfortable as well. I really wanted to do a 'back by 9' ride so kicked off at 5am and started at a quite a high pace, achieving ave speed of 30km/h upon hitting Jalan Buroh. At Jalan Buroh however, tummy ache struck! I tried to 'ride it off' but could not hold my shorts on and just had to detour at the Shell station at the opposite side of the road to take a dump! Weirdest thing....there are no stations on the side moving north! anyway, this penalized my average speed and this dropped to 29+km/h.

It was a huge relief to unload and I continued on with a lighter feeling! Very pleasant weather, many riders on the other side going the opposite direction. Unfortunately for me, not a single soul passed me and had no souls to draft. Managed to get back to 30km/h again at but from Punggol onwards, it was tough to keep that average with a lot of lights and all. Still I think I did pretty decent; moving average is 30km/h. Legs did not cramp up though they were really tired and I managed to survive with 2 gels and 1.3l of water (not much!).

On Sunday, decided not to ride and go for a run...I was eager to try out the Garmin Forerunner which I chanced upon over togoparts on Friday from a nice guy in the east side. It was a fast deal, saw it at about 2+pm and got it by 3pm! Started my 10km run but after about 1km, I realized I forgot to strap on the HR strap so walked all the way back home to get it. The run was quite tough.....it was the first with the puma shoes. Very tiring on the calves and the undulating terrain at Changi Rd was pretty challenging! Managed to complete the 10km in 1hr 6mins......lots of room for improvement. Good thing to report was that my right knee felt ABSOLUTELY OK after the run. Normally, the tightness would come in after 5km. I attribute this to the improved running method thanks to the 'barefoot' approach; more mid-forefoot strike and no heel strike.


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