80km Ride on 7900 and 5km Barefoot Run
Saturday was a momentous ride. Its Ryo's comeback after 8 months of not cycling! KL and me went on our usual pace and Ryo did well of course, keeping up comfortably. I'm sure he'll be up to speed and will be fast and furious in no time. He looked like perhaps he missed a month cycling....not 8 months!
The bike rode very well and I soon also got use to the shifting and definitely do not miss the 3 gear swipe. The shifting action is actually pretty light as well compared to 7800 perhaps a tad 'tighter' but really not much more. Shimano obviously could have gone the hidden cable route much earlier but really did not want to sacrifice the light action shifting. They have done it this time around. On Friday, I swapped the old KMC chain with a new one.....there is 1/2 link stretch on the old chain over its full length compared to the new one. The new chain feels 'tight' and 'direct'....should have changed much earlier!
Sunday : barefoot running. Ryo's idea and I tried it out this morning on my 5km route. Starting out was kinda weird and prickly....its like going for foot reflexology. Naturally, I heel strike much less and tend to land fore/mid footed. The movement feels very light without shoes and strangely I felt less tired and actually posted 1.5mins better timing than my last 3 runs over the same terrain with shoes. All this sounds just too good to be true? yes it is....the price : blister on the ball of my right foot (incidentally is my problematic foot). This shoes I'm definitely stressing the right more......
Some research maintains that the blister is mostly due to over aggressive distance and speed for someone who's just starting out. I was striding and pushing off as if I was on shoes....a no no for starters as I do have 'tender' soles! So this barefoot running just feels 'right' somehow and I shall try it out within the week, at slower pace but same route.