The Jackal's Tubular First Installation

Uncharted territory but no worries, I saw some Youtube videos on this I'm thinking 'no problem'. Here's a brief step by step of that I did and what I used.

Ingredients :-
  • 1 pcs tubular tire
  • one tireless rim (carbon)
  • small plastic bag
  • 1 tube Zefal Tubasti glue (can use other types of course!)
  • steady hands
  • newspaper

Directions :-

  • its a good idea that before you start out, place some newspaper to cover that nice floor of yours
  • you will need to apply the glue using your finger (more control), to do so, its prudent to use the plastic bag as a finger condom! :)
  • apply glue on the rim bed uniformly, a thin layer will do! I made a big mistake by applying too liberally!!
  • make sure the sides of the bed have glue as well as this is the critical contact point with the tire
  • once that is done, start on the tire...apply glue with your protected finger, again a thin layer will do on the fabric part of the tubulars
  • this is the most important part - waiting for it to dry out till its just tacky and not sticky. It good to remind myself here that I tested one tacky point but the rest were still a tad wet. Its gets really messy if this is the case. So WAIT. even if you found everywhere to be tacky, give it another hour or two. I waited 3 hrs and it was not enough but also due to the fact that I spread it like free peanut butter.
  • now, just mount the bugger starting from the valve stem (don't forget those extenders!)get the entire tubs onto the wheel.
  • pump it up just a little and then adjust the centering of the tire (you will need to 'lift' the tire from the rim bed and release it back into place)
  • inflate it more and leave if for another half a day or so, after that youre ok to go (don't forget to get it to full pressure!)

So that's it. I'm sure I'll do a much better job next time...key thing is to WAIT WAIT WAIT. no rush please. See my job dirty side one clean side, no thanks to wet glue!

yucks...on the 'bad side'

The bad side

the good side


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