Milestone : 30km ECP - Coastal - ECP

Usual ride but what a ride it was. I will be away this weekend (no riding then!) so thought I have some bike time this morning. Set off at around 5.05am with the intention of doing the dreaded ECP - Coastal - ECP.

Why 'dreaded' you might ask?

Well, its a relatively simple and straightforward route, only 30km or so BUT I've this thing going on with this route and it has become officially my personal speed challenge route. Every time I take this route, I'm reminding myself my personal best and should I or should I not try to break it.

Well this time around, I started quite strong, and surprisingly after about 100m or so, without warm-up (its bad!) I was doing 32-33km/h 'comfortably'. When I was done with the slow park area, prior to entering Coastal road, my ave was about 32.5km/ I thought, hey, I can do this....I can surpass 33km/h easily. And I did. By the time I reached halfway, ave was about 33.6km/h but on-route back I was getting a bit spent but still ok to go. Got a bit of a 2nd wind when back at the service road and I pushed the last 2km.

I completed the ride below 54mins and with an average speed of 33.5km/h! SOLO. Not bad considering I was last pondering how I was going to go below 55mins on my last speed run for this route! Next target - 34km/h!


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