Updates : Cycling and Running!

Been doing both. I'm trying to run at least twice a week covering 16-20km total these days and maybe cycle 3 times a week. My running seems to be improving....the pace is now about 6.30min/km for 9km distance. Ultimately, my goal will be to get to 6min/km and do 10km in under an hour.....Ryo has helped a lot as he really push up the pace and still hardly sweating. I feel bad for slowing him down during runs so I prefer to train alone until my pace is ok with him! He managed to push me to 6.20min/km over 8.3km last week. I did 6.40min/km over 9.5km this weekend and this morning, with the help of some amino acid, managed 6.30min/km over 8.8km. Not bad at all and I hope I can continue to improve.

I bought a tub of Purple Wrath amino acid powder. I tried it first time on Sunday for the 80km ride with Ryo and I must say it worked somewhat to allow me to still push hard even towards the end of the ride. I was doing 41-44km/h over 2km+ at west coast highway during this ride. We hit average speed of 32km/h+ upon reaching KTM and we had lots of traffic light along the way. We drafted a strong group at Neo Tiew until end of LCK where they turned off.....the guys were not in fancy equipment but still they pulled hard and long. I think the speed was constantly above 35km/h on those twisty roads. Had a relatively slow ride back home as our usual Nicoll route was closed for a marathon and that brought our average down to about 30.9km/h....


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