Diggin' the Single Speed!

Received my White Industries ENO Freewheel on a Thursday and immediately got it installed that night itself! I initially had problems getting the fixed 18T cog off as my chain whip is a 10speed version (I think) and no matter what I did the chain did not get a good grip on the cog. I remember about a method called Rotafix....basically no tools required. It involved removing the chain from the chain ring, allowing quite a bit of slack and with the slack you somehow wrap the chain onto itself at the cog and then turn the wheel. Wow, it was next to effortless and safe! Tightening the freewheel was a non-issue.

Verdict : Man, the freewheel is LOUD.....and there appears to be some drag when coasting (even pulls on the crank!) but does not seem to affect much the riding experience esp when coasting down hills and stuff. It was a great buy. Immediate engagement, just like a road bike.

Did 2 rounds of long distance 80km on Saturday (my first ride with the SS) and 105km on Sunday. I managed to keep up with the road bikes with no issues except for some sore legs after that due to spinning way above my comfort zone. At some point I hit 130-140rpm I think, going above 50km/h...that was tough. Managed to hit a top speed of about ~54km/h I think which is not bad at all for a single speed! My legs must be a blur.....

This will be my ride during BnB 2009....I did the ride with the Haze last year. Hey, why use the same equipment both years, try something a bit more challenging!

The natural progression of pain should be Fixed Gear next.


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