Weekend Rides

Did some solo rides this weekend and a short one with Ben on Saturday. Main thing was to get back into the groove of riding normally after TOP and the traumatic Genting.

Highlight was on Sunday's 80km solo ride, covering 2 loops of ECP - Coastal - Loyang - ECP. First loop for pretty uneventful but 2nd loop has be chasing a group Tri bikes + 2 Roadies. Nuff said, at Loyang, I sprinted up to what remains to be the fastest ever over the 1km slope for me. I passed the entire group and then motion with my right hands for people to follow. Well guess what, the roadies responded and one of them screamed passed me with 100m to go on the slope....impressive, as he came from quite far behind.

At Coastal straight, the same roadie pulled the entire group over 5km, maintaining speeds of 40-45km/h....the guy deserves respect! I drafted the group and had no problems keeping up pace for the 5km....I did think about sprinting towards the end but decided that I really do not want to stress too much as at that point, I've already done about 70km.

The wheelset seems to be holding up pretty well. Stayed true, and quite stiff. Spin up is definitely noticeable but not much in my opinion. Feels strong as well. And now I really love the ratcheting sound of the DA hubs....

Coastal Straight Road (Drafting Fast Group)

Loyang Sprint (Punctured too early!!)


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