Weekend Rides + Impressions on Rudy Project Rydon
Did about 160km this weekend....~65km on Saturday with Ryo (Ben & KL on 2nd loop) and 93km on Sunday with Ryo. Sunday ride was a non-stop affair (only at traffic lights) and it was quite tiring no thanks to the labour from Saturday (some sprints, hill sprints, high speed drafting etc). Still we managed good speed....about 29km/h moving average for 93km, average HR of 149bpm for me. I must say Ryo has improved leaps and bounds in a very short time! I used the Rydons for both days and I must say they are pretty good, especially with the photochromic lenses. I can start at 5am already wearing it and as sunlight increases during the course of the ride, the lens darkens appropriately. So far, the filtering is good for me as I never really liked super dark lenses. Its very comfortable, despite small contact areas at the nose bridge but I think the light tightness at temples make it a good fit. Still have to adjust/optimize the positioning though. Had a bit of fogging problem though yeste...