38km Fixed Gear Ride with KL and Ben

This is the first time out on a familiar route with KL and Ben on my fixed. Had my seat pushed way back (maximum) but still find the seat a bit low. Same problems with getting the shoes into the toe straps!!

I had no problems following the speed they set on this ride. I led at about 37-38kmh on Coastal (~2km), managed the hills with much ease and also no issues up Parbury on the 48x16 gearing. Only problem with riding with non-fixed guys is that I get dropped at traffic lights due to problem of clipping in (then I sprint to catch up! which happened a couple of times) and also since they could coast to a red light, I can't, so I slow down a fair distance from the traffic light, this is to avoid having to stop, unclip, and clip back on again!

54km/h at 142rpm going downhill....not bad.


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